Terry Baxter
We lost Terry so unexpectedly. But there is comfort in a bit of a silver lining, that even in death, he helped.
He retired from law enforcement after a 30 year career, then worked another 13 years in law enforcement risk management, helping people.
He was built to reach out and connect with people, always making things better for those around him. Family, friends, coworkers or his working audience had someone they could trust and count on to help when they needed it most.
He was boisterous and could tell stories in the best way.
By sharing his story and weaving in the importance of organ and tissue donation, I get to let him help a little more; something he so loved to do. And talking about him helps me feel connected to him. What an honor I have!
Be sure to sign up as a donor! If not that, at least have those conversations. We wasted no time with “what should we do, what would he have wanted” since we knew that Terry was a donor. No second guessing and no argument over this during such a traumatic time.