Sue Venteicher
I started my donation journey hoping to donate to a friend’s son Michael.
Unfortunately I wasn’t able to help Michael, so I then decided to be a non-directed donor. I really hoped I could help at least one person have a better life. I couldn’t imagine if my loved one was so ill and was needing an organ transplant. I knew it would impact the whole family.
I learned a few months after my donation surgery that I was the first donor in a kidney chain. Nine people donated kidneys and nine people received kidneys!
We all got to meet each other. My recipient looked great!I have never regretted my decision to donate.
I communicate regularly with my recipient Dennis and he is doing well. I am thankful my family was supportive every step of the way. I appreciate my health and am grateful for every day. And I am thankful of all the wonderful people I have me in the transplant community.
I want people to know that organ, tissue and eye donation is TRULY life changing! So many people can benefit. When a patient receives a donation be it an organ, tissue or eye donation, not only does the patient benefit but their whole family and everyone who loves them benefits.
If you are thinking about signing up to be an organ donor or a living donor, my advice would be to educate yourself, ask questions, talk to someone who has been a living donor or a donor family.