Steve Williams
My husband Steve Williams was a tissue donor.
At some point in our 40 years of marriage, I noticed on Steve’s driver’s license that he was a donor. It wasn’t anything we had ever discussed, but when he passed away suddenly, I knew donating was something he would have wanted. I am also listed as a donor.
Steve was a member of the Knights of Columbus, and this organization meant the world to him. After Steve retired from IBM, he volunteered more and more with the Knights. He was also a devoted husband, father and grandfather (Papa).
After Steve passed, in talking with my children, they are all also listed as donors.
Within a few hours of his passing, Live On Nebraska had called me to get Steve’s information.
I did not know before this that anything other than organs could be donated. I did know about donating corneas, but didn’t know about tissue, vessels, and all the other things that can be donated.
The amount of people that one donor can help is astounding.
As I sit and remember the conversation I had over the phone just hours after Steve passed away, I recall how caring and comforting the person from Live On Nebraska that I was talking to was. She was able to explain exactly what would happen, and it was such and easy task for me. I didn’t have to do anything. All I had to do was to say “YES”.
Please think about becoming an organ donor. It could save your own life in the future.