Nate Peterson and Lance Pfeifer
Through tears in my eyes and soul, my broken heart and devastation, I was so blessed to be the mother of these generous, loving sons, Nate Peterson and Lance Pfeifer.
Despite selfishly wanting them back, this fact helps bring some peace and comfort to myself plus their 7 children and ALL who love them: they both were donors with Live On.
It eases my grief some and makes my heart smile knowing that they live on by giving the gift of life to many others. My sons truly live on!
Please register and give the gift of life to others as they both did!
I have many friends and relatives who received the gift of life through donors. They received livers, hearts, kidneys, pancreas, had their eyesight restored, etc. Children and adults who are truly inspirations to be able to continue life to the fullest. What a blessing they are to those who love them.
God bless all donors and all recipients!