Matthew Merklein
Matthew was such a very kind, gentle and loving soul who would go to the end of time to help anyone in need.
Matthew’s short life was a blessing to his momma. His love for others, animals and baseball made his personality even bigger. Other hobbies included his Playstation, computer coding and his car. Matthew was in his first year of college at the time of his passing.
The story of organ donation came to Matt when his cousin’s father became an organ donor. I remember when he came to me to say that he wanted to donate as well. We both went to the DMV to have it changed on our driver’s licenses.
Matt’s donation helped many others and I hope one day to have many of them contact us.
There has been one recipient that has my son’s tissue for repair. They wrote to me and instantly I felt that Matt is carried on.
It has a special place in my heart as this recipient was a baseball player just like my Matthew.