Kenneth Hain
The day our dad passed away we were filled with an abundance of sadness. We didn’t understand why it had to happen, why our dad, why now. We stood in the driveway at our parents, held each other and just cried, cried all night long. The coroner’s office soon came and took our big guy away so they could perform and autopsy on him.
In the middle of the night my mom received a call from Live on Nebraska asking if she’d like to donate his organs and tissue to help others. Our answer wasn’t “YES” right away, we were still really upset about his passing and didn’t know a lot about organ and tissue donations, this was the first time we had ever had to have this conversation.
In the end, we decided to go ahead and donate his organs and tissue.
After going to our first Live on Nebraska event we knew organ donation was the right decision. We were surrounded by hundreds of other people that were also celebrating their loved ones.
But it wasn’t until we received the first donor recipient letter that we really all were brought to tears again.
This time we weren’t crying tears of sadness, we were proud that our dad was still helping others.
If you are questioning or are not currently an organ and tissue donor, do your research, ask questions and really challenge yourself to think about the gift of life and how many people you can potentially help by your donation.
For myself and my family, this will never be a hard question for us. The answer will always be “Yes”
Our dad still makes us so proud.