Kali Fankhauser
The word “donor” and the process of how to become a living donor had never crossed my mind until it hit home with our family.
In April 2017, a few months before my wedding we learned my dad was in early stages of kidney failure. By August 2018, he was starting the paperwork to get approved to go on the list of recipients. In January 2019, he started on dialysis.
On Easter weekend we were given the absolute best news; I was a match to donate to my dad.
On June 28, 2019 we had the donation surgery.
The road leading to donation day was not always an easy one. I feel so fortunate how our story unfolded. I’m forever thankful for the amazing staff of doctors and nurses at Nebraska Med Center.
I know there are many other families out there waiting for donors to save the lives of their loved ones. I hope sharing our story helps encourage at least one person to make the leap and sign up to be a living donor.