Janice Sperling
Organ donation gave Janice Sperling 30 more precious years as a wife, mother, and later a grandmother. Her story is a story about family, friends, strength, hope, and the gift of life through strangers’ selfless donations. Janice was a young mother when she was diagnosed with primary biliary cirrhosis in 1983. During her wait for a liver transplant, she did not let it slow her down or miss out on life with her family. She enjoyed working, playing with her son, Josh, and celebrated the birth of her daughter, Heather.
In 1991, Janice received the call for her first liver transplant. Her body struggled accepting the new liver. She needed another liver transplant and was put back on the waiting list. Her second liver transplant in 1992 was more successful. Her body accepted this liver better, but the steroids needed to save her life during these rejections caused extensive damage to her body. As a result of the steroid treatments, she had multiple joint replacements and eventually her kidneys shut down. Janice needed to be on dialysis for three years while waiting for a kidney transplant. Her body was exhausted and she now had little energy to enjoy life. In 2002, she received her kidney transplant. Recovery went well, and she was able to get some of her energy back. Janice lived until 2022 when her body grew too tired to overcome illness.
When asked about how she stayed positive during her health struggles, Janice always said she wanted to see her children go to school. Once she achieved that, she made a new goal to see her children graduate. Then she set the goal to see them happy as adults and meet her grandchildren.
Because of the selflessness of the organ donors, she was able to meet all of her goals. She welcomed three beautiful grandchildren into the world and made a lasting impact on all of our lives.
With the support of Janice’s family and friends, she was able to work through her health challenges. She had the loving support of her husband, David, who didn’t give up on her and kept a steady presence by her side. She had family and friends to care for and love her children while she was fighting to stay alive for them. She had the strength of her friends behind her to help keep her positive and keep up the fight.
Janice’s family would like to thank the families of her donors who helped to keep her on this earth for the 30 extra years their donations gave her. There has not been and will never be a day that goes by which we will not think of this amazing gift of life given to her.
Dave, Josh, Heather, Elias, Roman and Harlo