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Dr. Rick Jamison, DVM

Without a doubt, some of the most difficult hours in my life were immediately following the death of my husband, Dr. Rick Jamison. On my trip home from the hospital in the middle of the night I received an unexpected phone call from Live On Nebraska. The gentle voice explained to me that since Rick had indicated his desire to be an organ donor they were there to assist me with the process which I would have only so many hours to put into action.

Although I was aware that Rick had marked “organ donor” on his driver’s license, I’d really never put much thought into it—that decision wasn’t one that I’d anticipated having to consent to. Then the unthinkable happened. Rick suffered a massive stroke which left him no hope of recovery. He lingered in an unconscious state for five days which allowed all of our family to visit the hospital to say their “goodbyes”, but we were all in a state of disbelief.

After the initial phone call, I gave myself a few hours to contemplate what was happening but realized that being an organ donor was exactly what Rick wanted and it made total sense.

“Doc”, as Rick was known to the clients of his veterinary practice, was a trusted friend to all and a hero to many. He was strong of body and mind, and would never quit as long as there was a chance for an animal to live. Although he was not large in stature, his strength and character were beyond compare.

His family often laughed about his favorite quip, “Can’t Catch Me, You’re Too Little!” He was always there for anyone who needed him, be it family, friend, or critter.

Since 2022, our family and friends have participated in the Rally for Life, growing our team each year. 7 months to 78 yrs old, we all want to call attention to the importance of organ donation and how proud we are of our husband/father/grandfather/great grandfather and the gift he made in his final act of Love.