Chuck Bensley
Chuck and I were married in September 2000. Our daughter Brylie was born in May 2007.
He was a carpenter and jack-of-all-trades who freely gave of his time and talents to anyone in need of help on a household project. Countless lives were touched by Chuck’s willingness to lend a hand, no matter how big or small the project. While others might want to leave the job at work, Chuck never hesitated to help a friend in his “spare” time.
His friends, family and neighbors will remember him with one hand holding a beer and the other outstretched, ready to help.
Chuck’s many hobbies include hanging out with friends, home remodeling, fishing, golfing, watching St. Louis Cardinals baseball, watching Husker baseball and football, playing catch with Brylie, teaching Brylie the finer aspects of golf, and showing off his dance moves as a member of the clogging dads Dream Team.
His donation meant that he lives on in others. He continues his legacy of helping others even in his death.
Countless family members became donors because of the lives he helped. Learning about organ donation made us realize how great the need is.
My dad said Chuck’s donation meant – HOPE. For all the people that need the things the Chuck’s of the world have and will give to those in need-provides something that they all have and that is HOPE. Hope that someday they will be able to receive whatever it is they need to live on.