January 6, 2023
Last September more than 1,000 people from nine states gathered in Papillion to run, walk and rally in support of organ and tissue donation.
It was Live On Nebraska’s first in-person event since 2019, and the largest in the event’s history.
“Today we walked in memory of Landon and all who have given or received organs thru organ donation,” Amanda Palmer said on social media. “We love that Landon continues to live on thru giving the gift of life to others but also in everyone’s hearts.”

The Rally for Life 5K Run/Walk was just one of many events held last year to remember donor heroes and encourage donor registration.
Live On employees and volunteers provided donation education to more than 3,600 high school students throughout the year.
In November, we teamed up with Nebraska Medicine to host our first-ever Donation & Transplantation Field Trip. The all-day event provided students an opportunity to get an in-depth look into donation and transplantation. Interactive sessions gave students a chance to touch a kidney and understand how kidneys are perfused for transplantation, play transplant careers Jeopardy and review tissue case studies. Donor families and recipients shared how they had been impacted by the gift of life.

Mount Calvary Community Church in north Omaha was the site for Live On Nebraska’s first Donor Sabbath. Donor Sabbath brought together faith leaders from Muslim, Jewish, Methodist, Catholic and Baptist congregations for an interfaith celebration of organ and tissue donation. Music, prayer and testimonials from donors, recipients and a waiting list candidate showcased the impact of organ and tissue donation and spurred several donor registrations.

A busy year was capped off by holiday events honoring donors and recipients at three Nebraska hospitals. Donor families and recipients gathered in Omaha, Lincoln and Grand Island to place ornaments in honor of their loved ones on donation recognition trees and share holiday treats.

Kris Glantz-Swenson attended the Lincoln event and posted a photo of her hero, Janet McGrane on social media.
“Thank you Live On Nebraska for another wonderful event. Honoring our donors and celebrating their recipients. What a wonderful legacy to give and receive. ♡”