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Educator Resources

Turning 16 is an important milestone for Nebraska youth. It’s the first opportunity they’ll have to get their driver’s license and to make an important decision that could impact hundreds of people in the future: Will they register as an organ and tissue donor.

Live On Nebraska is committed to helping students make an educated decision when it comes to this important question.

We’ve created a variety of resources that educators and leaders can use in the classroom, online or as part of a group activity. And the best part? You don’t need to be an expert on donation. The resources are designed to educate on their own and spark discussion without having to be knowledgeable about the subject. You can learn along with your students!

The resources cover the following topics:

  • The need for organ and tissue donation and how it helps others
  • The difference between living and deceased donation
  • What can be donated
  • How the deceased donation process happens
  • How to register as an organ and tissue donor
  • The importance of talking with your family about donation

Make Your Mark Video

This 15-minute video is the centerpiece of all the donation resources. It covers the essential components of donation and includes testimonials from youth directly impacted by donation and transplantation.

Educator Guide

This comprehensive guide is designed for teachers and leaders who want to dive deeper into donation and transplantation.

Donation Facts & Figures

Donation Facts & Figures

This single-page graphical handout provides statistics about the transplant waiting list, how many people each donor can help, and general facts about donation and transplantation.

Donation Quiz

Donation Basics Quiz

This 10-question quiz and answer sheet asks students to recall basic information about donation provided in the Make Your Mark Video.

Donation Conversation Starters

Conversation Starter

This worksheet is designed to help students start a conversation with their parents and share their thoughts on organ and tissue donation.

Donation Misunderstandings

Donation Misunderstandings

This handout covers misunderstandings and concerns commonly associated with donation and transplantation. Use it as a guide for discussion with your students.

In-Person Education

We also provide in-person classroom education. This can happen in one of two ways:

School Visit
A Live On Nebraska representative will visit your classroom to provide comprehensive donation education suited to your individual needs.

Use the Make Your Mark Video as the starting point for your educational presentation. A Live On Nebraska representative will join you virtually for Q&A.

To request a presentation, contact our Community Education Coordinator.


Tell Us About Yourself, Get a T-shirt!

Are you using or planning to use the donation education materials? Provide the information below and we’ll send you a free Good Life t-shirt.

    Educator Reward Program

    Do you know another teacher or leader whose students would benefit from the donation resources? Encourage them to get involved and share the information in their classroom or group. If they complete the Tell Us About Yourself Form and include your name as a referral, we’ll send you a $15 Amazon gift card. Limit three gift cards per person. Referral must be from a teacher at a different school. All referrals will be validated.