January 28, 2025
Our vision is clear: To be an unparalleled leader in donation, where those in need receive a transplant without waiting.
In 2024, Live On Nebraska took significant steps to achieve this vision, ending the year with several records for donors and organs transplanted, saving the most lives in our organization’s history, and contributing to a record 48,137 organ transplants nationwide.

Our success is the culmination of work by more than 100 staff members and their teams’ continued dedication to progress and collaboration, including these initiatives that spurred our 2024 organizational growth:
- Formalizing our commitment to improving processes through data, our Business Intelligence team launched, focused on refining reporting, eliminating inefficiencies, and enhancing innovation.
- The Clinical team cared for a record number of donors, increasing the number of organs transplanted in 2024 by 10 percent.
- In addition to growing our staff by more than six percent, the HR team also implemented paid parental leave and initiated monthly check-ins for all employees.
- The Professional Outreach team increased the number of referrals and donors from outside of hospitals, while decreasing the already low number of coroner restrictions for donation cases by one-third.
- Partnering with Bryan Health, the Communications Center launched an automated referral system, ensuring timely notification of deaths and freeing up staff time spent on phone calls.
- Providing hands-on opportunities for learning, the Marketing Team educated a record number of high school students about donation and transplantation.
- Refining onboarding and training, the Learning & Development team was formed to better prepare our workforce for future growth.
- The Family Services team spoke to a record 378 familes about the opportunity for donation, contributing to the most donors in our organization’s history.
- Collaborating with the Business Intelligence department, the Quality Team implemented new reporting to streamline audits and ensure the safety and efficacy of our donation processes.
- Expanding the donation opportunity to include vaginal deliveries, the Birth Tissue team increased donations by 68 percent.
- Contributing to the most transplants in Live On Nebraska’s history, the Surgical Services team facilitated more organ recovery surgeries than ever before.
- Ensuring the timely and safe arrival of donations to processing partners, the Tissue Team refined their shipping processes.
- Supporting the clinical and tissue teams, the Administration department streamlined the process for accessing electronic medical records systems.
- The Hospital Services team collaborated with CHI Health Creighton University Medical Center – Bergan Mercy to launch Nebraska’s first dedicated donor care unit.
- Helping our staff increase their tech savvy, the IT team began hosting monthly IT training hours, exploring topics from AI to cyber security.
- The Finance team expanded its team in July, focusing on service to our employees and customers/vendors while also looking to streamline and automate functions within the department.
“I’m extremely proud of the continued growth and success of our teams, and the impact their work has not only on those waiting for a transplant, but the families of our donor heroes as well,” said Kyle Herber, President & CEO. “Moving forward, we will continute to embrace creativity, innovation and resilience to save and heal the most lives possible.”